Join us Sunday mornings for our 10:00 am service. All services in February will be held at Zion Lutheran Church (902 4th Street).

We are open to all people. And yes, all really does mean all. We’ve built this with you in mind!

  • No need to dress up, you are welcomed as you come.
  • Well-behaved pets also welcome!
  • Wheelchair access is through the back entrance, just inside the blue doors. 
  • There is parking behind the church, and street parking out front.
  • Join us for refreshments and fellowship available after service in the basement!

    Pastor Roberta Smythe

Here is the link for Sunday’s worship service. This is a joint worship service being held at Zion Lutheran Church with La Grande United Methodist Church in attendance. The service starts at 10:00, but the stream start a few minutes before. In the description box below the video on YouTube, there is a link to the bulletin, in case you’d like to follow along. You can also view the service later using this same link.



  • Communion – join us for Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month.
  • Blessing Box Sunday: Although we accept donations for the blessing box any time, we focus on them the 2nd Sunday of each month. If you have something to donate, please place it in the cart at the back of the sanctuary this Sunday.
  • Potluck Sundays – Join us following worship on the 4th Sunday of the month for a potluck feast! Learn more here: Potluck Sundays
  • You can learn more about all our special Sundays here.




The church is located at 1612 Fourth St., La Grande, OR 97850

La Grande, OR 97850

La Grande United Methodist Church



Phone: (541) 963-2498

Email: lgumc@eoni.com

Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00am – 12:00pm

1612 Fourth Street, La Grande OR, 97850

Follow us on Facebook for upcoming events at LG UMC!

  • NEO Circuit Prayer Line – Need Prayer? Call 541-963-2498 and leave a message.
  • Support Groups – We have NA and other support groups that meet throughout the week. Call the office to find out times or check the support tab.
  • Have a Special Occasion? The fellowship hall, kitchen and sanctuary are available to rent for your special day.

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can!” – John Wesley